Cardiac Care

马塔戈达地区医疗中心提供各种各样的服务,以帮助您满足您的心脏护理需求. From diagnostic services to rehabilitation following a cardiac incident, you will find that 星际娱乐app’s experienced and concerned staff is right here, close to home, to provide state-of-the-art care for you and your family.

心导管插入术是应用最广泛的心脏手术之一. In the United States, more than 1,000,根据美国心脏协会的一份报告,每年有000例心导管手术.

About 星际娱乐app’s Cardiac Catheterization Lab

星际娱乐app的心导管实验室(Cath lab)以现代技术为特色,由训练有素的专家组成,包括注册护士、放射科和心血管技术专家. Our select team aids your cardiologist in the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of heart and vascular problems.

Some of our services include:

  • Insertable Cardiac Monitors (Loop Recorders)
  • Diagnostic Coronary and Peripheral Angiography
  • Coronary Angioplasty and Stent placement
  • Peripheral Angioplasty and Stent placement
  • Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP)
  • Permanent Pacemaker Insertion
  • Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Insertion

What is Cardiac Catheterization?

心导管检查(心脏导管或心脏导管)是一种检查流向心脏的血液和心脏工作情况的程序. 一根被称为导管的细空心管被插入到通往心脏的大血管中. Once the catheter is in place, several tests may be performed.

Patient Information

重要的是,任何准备接受心脏导管插入术的人都要和他们的医生谈谈之前会发生什么, during, and after the procedure. After consulting your doctor, 您随时欢迎致电星际娱乐app心导管科(979)241-3427咨询其他一般性问题. Finally, 许多患者也会选择从信誉良好的来源,如美国心脏协会,查阅资料. 点击这里查看美国心脏协会关于心导管插入术的页面.


星际线上娱乐友好有礼的门诊挂号代表随时为您的挂号需求服务. To learn more about the admissions process, click here or call Central Scheduling at (979) 241-5966.

心脏和运动项目由马塔戈达地区医疗中心提供. If you have an existing heart condition, 你有机会掌控你的生活,并显著改善你每天的感受. 一个特殊的锻炼计划将设计适合您的个人需求和能力. You will rotate among various exercise stations that include treadmill, bike, and arm and leg resistance exercises. 你的医生会为你在每个站确定合适的运动水平.

您的心脏和血压将被监测,您的运动将由有执照的人员监督. Since your personal program will be prescribed according to your ability, levels will be increased as tolerated. 记住你的心脏是一块肌肉,就像任何肌肉一样,它会对锻炼做出反应,变得更强壮.

运动计划包括由注册营养师提供的饮食咨询. 星际线上娱乐的目标是为你的心脏健康计划提供适当的工具,可以有效地帮助你控制血液供应中的胆固醇水平.

首先,询问你的医生你是否可以从这个或类似的计划中受益. 你必须有你的医生的许可和书面命令进入和参加锻炼计划. 你还需要做一个运动心电图,以确保你有能力参加. 如果您有兴趣或有疑问,请致电心肺科979-241-5950.

星际娱乐app offers a variety of ways to diagnose and treat issues of the heart. In addition to the common and more traditional diagnostics, such as electrocardiograms (EKG’s), stress tests, and blood tests, 星际线上娱乐的心肺科提供最先进的超声心动图和多普勒来评估全身动脉和静脉的血液循环. 有时利用核压力试验,以便作出更具体的读数.

Any issue with the heart can be a frightening experience. When one has chest pain, an EKG is usually the first test ordered. 这是一个相对基本的筛查检查,可以告诉医生你目前是否有心脏问题, or if you’ve had one in the past. Next, the physician may order a treadmill stress test, 哪一种准确性更高,因为它是在心脏处于压力下进行的.

The clinical term for “clogged arteries,” or blockage, is coronary artery disease, which slows the blood flow to the heart, and consequently chest pain occurs. Once the artery is completely blocked, the heart attack (otherwise known as a myocardial infarction, or MI) occurs. 如果在诊断检查中发现堵塞,你的医生可能会要求进行核压力测试. However, if the result is negative or borderline, a heart catheter may be ordered to check for coronary artery disease.

Angioplasty (use of a balloon to open clogged arteries), cardiac bypass surgery, 而其他主要手术仍交由三级医疗机构进行, often at the Texas Medical Center. 如果需要这种程度的治疗,你和你的医生将讨论选择.

Cardiac Diagnosis Testing

心脏病患者可能会被要求接受一些诊断测试和程序. 通过了解这些测试是什么以及为什么要做这些测试,你会感到更自信. 这些检查很重要,可以帮助医生确定是否发生了心脏病发作, 您的心脏受损程度如何?您可能患有何种程度的冠状动脉疾病. Your heart attack may have been the first symptom indicating CAD. 这些测试可以检查你的心脏,帮助医生确定什么样的治疗和生活方式的改变可以保持你的心脏健康,防止未来严重的医疗事件.

There are “non-invasive” and “invasive” diagnostic tests. 非侵入性检查不需要将针头、仪器或液体插入体内. 侵入性手术包括简单的穿刺验血或打针, insertion of a tube, device or scope and major surgeries such as open-heart surgery.